Which government funded courses can I apply for?
AVT has been an approved provider for Jobs and Skills WA Government Funded Programs since 2017. Over this time, we’ve been proud to mentor and train hundreds of students in the animal care and veterinary nursing industry.Â
The following AVT courses are currently subsidised:
ACM20121 Certificate II in Animal Care (Health & Welfare)
Dogs' Refuge & Cat Haven Program
Animal Health & Welfare
ACM20121 Certificate II in Animal Care (Exhibited Animals)
Study at Landsdale Farm
Exhibited Animals at Landsdale Farm
ACM20121 Certificate II in Animal Care (Vet Nursing Pathway)
About Vet Nurse Pathway
Vet Nursing Pathway
ACM20121 Certificate II in Animal Care (VETDSS)
About Our Schools Program
VETDSS for High School Students
ACM30122 Certificate III in Animal Care Services (RSPCA)
About the RSPCA Program
Intensive Learning
On-Campus & Blended
ACM40418 Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing
Study Vet Nursing
Veterinary Nursing
Government funded programs offered by AVTÂ
Participation–Work Readiness
This program aims to assist unemployed people who are job ready, seeking the relevant skills and experiences to access meaningful work so they can participate fully in the workforce.
The program has a targeted approach to recruiting students from the eligible target groups via referrals from an approved referral agent or via a self-referral based on a number of criteria.
Referral agents are organisations that offer support services to individuals including the Disability Services Commission, selected Job Active providers, Jobs and Skills Centres, and community-based organisations.
Priority Industry Training
Priority Industry Training, a component of Jobs and Skills WA, offers subsidised training opportunities and qualifications to eligible students. This program aims to enhance the skills of students, preparing them to take up jobs in skilled occupations that are in high demand across Western Australia.Â
Lower fees, local skills
Lower fees, local skills qualifications provide an annual fee cap on a list of courses. This means regardless of how much the course fees are, you will not pay more than a set total amount per selected qualification or course per calendar year. The annual fees cap is set at $400 for eligible concession students, and $1,200 for non-concession students, plus resource fees*.
The Lower fees, local skills courses are available to residents of Western Australia that meet the eligibility criteria. See more detailed information, see Skills Ready or visit the relevant qualifications pages on this site.
School Based Traineeships
A school-based traineeship (SBT) provides the opportunity for students to work with an employer and train in a qualification while still at school. Students studying ACM20121 Certificate II in Animal Care as a school-based traineeship may be exempt from course fees under the Jobs and Skills WAÂ program.
Am I eligible for a subsidised course?
If your primary place of residence is in Western Australia and you meet the individual requirements of the funded programs, you may be eligible. Further details are outlined on our individual course fees and funding pages.
Jobs and Skills WA subsidised training
Jobs and Skills WA programs are used to prioritise the WA State Government training funding to focus on courses that equip people to take up jobs that are or will be, in high demand.
AVT’s Program Manager, Sue Bain commented, “The Jobs and Skills WA Program has made our subsidised courses accessible to so many WA based students over this time and has provided our industry with high-quality graduates who are in demand”.

*Funded places are subject to eligibility and availability.
The Student tuition fees are indicative only and are subject to change given individual circumstances at enrolment.
Additional fees may apply such as resource fees and other fees.