Fiona started training dogs over 18 years ago and also worked as a professional detector dog handler for almost 14 years. In 2015 she started her own business as The Doggy Lady, offering pet dog owners the chance to train their dogs in scent detection in a fun learning environment. Her passion is helping people learn to communicate with their dogs and foster a fun and trusting relationship. Since then she has expanded to a full range of pet dog training and behaviour services including proprioception.
Fiona travelled to the United Kingdom in 2016 to attend the Institute of Modern Dog Trainers (IMDT) conference, attend training and undertake her assessment with the IMDT. She qualified as a full member of the IMDT and was so impressed with both the training and culture of the organisation that she has worked to bring its benefits to Western Australian trainers. She says the IMDT not only offers her clients a guarantee of exceptional training skills (members must pass a stringent re-assessment every two years) and a high standard of ethics but also offers her a level of support and access to knowledge that is unsurpassed.
Fiona is one of our Trainers and Assessors for the Animal Behaviour and Training qualification.
Fiona’s Qualifications:
- Proprioception Instructor (L1)
- Cert IVÂ Training and Assessment